环境规制政策的碳减排效应研究research on the carbon emission reduction effect of environmental regulatory policies
电子商务评论 vol.13 no.4, november 13 2024, , , doi: 被引量
新媒体环境下助农直播带货对消费者购买行为的影响研究a study on the impact of agricultural live streaming sales on consumers’ purchasing behavior in the new media environment
刘 芯
基于邻近梯度算法求解lasso回归模型在证券指数的应用研究research on the application of lasso regression model based on proximity gradient algorithm in stock index
王 琦, 彭定涛
电商时代直播带货中消费者权益保护研究research on the protection of consumer rights and interests in live streaming in the era of e-commerce
研发投入对互联网企业绩效的影响机理分析mechanistic analysis of the impact of r&d investment on the performance of internet companies
马克思主义发展观视角下我国农村电子商务的发展和对策研究research on the development and countermeasures of rural e-commerce in china from the perspective of the marxist view of development
电子商务视域下企业漂绿行为的规制regulation of corporate greenwashing behavior in the context of e-commerce
胡 雪
数字普惠金融助力农村电商高质量发展研究research on digital inclusive finance to help rural e-commerce high-quality development
经济政策不确定性感知对企业数字化转型影响研究research on the impact of economic policy uncertainty perception on enterprise digital transformation
郭聪聪, 梁 鑫
金融科技对我国农村商业银行风险承担的影响研究research on the influence of financial technology on the risk-taking of rural commercial banks in china