

王欣,工学博士,吉林大学材料科学与工程学院材料物理与化学专业教授。曾先后在瑞士巴塞尔大学物理所、奥地利维也纳工业大学表面物理研究组做访问学者。2000年师从教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者郑伟涛教授攻读博士学位,开始从事纳米磁性薄膜材料、碳基纳米材料的研究。目前发表sci收录论文29篇,其中发表在appl, surf, sci220200330文章他引23次。2002年获得吉林省科技进步二等奖(排名第二),2008年获得吉林省科技进步一等奖(排名第五)。主持完成国家杰出青年基金子课题一项,作为主要参加人,完成国家863项目一项,973项目一项,国家自然科学基金一项,教育部项目二项。






2003年至2005 博士后,长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 

2000年至2003 博士,吉林大学 

1994年至1996 硕士,哈尔滨工业大学 

1988年至1992 学士,长春工业大学 



2008年至2009 高级访问学者,维也纳工业大学 

2004年至2005 访问学者,巴塞尔大学 

1992年至1994 技术员,长春第一汽车制造厂 



  1. x. wang, h. jia, w.t. zheng, et al., “structural and magnetic properties of co–n thin films synthesized by direct current magnetron sputtering”, thin solid films 517, 2009, 4421
  2. x. wang, h. jia, w.t. zheng, et al.,”structure and magnetic properties of columnar fe-n thin films deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering”, tran. nonferrous met. soc. china 19, 2009, 353
  3. h. jia, x. wang*, w.t. zheng, et al., “synthesis and characteristics of nanocrystalline co/n thin film containing co4n phase”, mater. sci. and eng. b 150, 2008, 121
  4. x. wang, h. jia, w.t. zheng, et al., “effect of sputtering input power of co on structure and magnetic properties of fe-co-n thin films”, adv. mater. res. 79, 2009, 635
  5. g.m. yang, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “two types of carbon nanocomposites: graphite encapsulated iron nanoparticles and thin carbon nanotubes supported on thick carbon nanotubes, synthesized using pecvd”, j. solid state chem. 182, 2009, 966
  6. j. l. qi, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “synthesis of a composite consisting of carbon nanotubes and graphite shell-encapsulated cobalt nanoparticles using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, appl. surf. sci. 256, 2009, 1486
  7. j. l. qi, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “effects of total ch4/ar gas pressure on the structures and field electron emission properties of carbon nanomaterials grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, appl. surf. sci. 256, 2009, 1542
  8. j. l. qi, x. wang, w.t. zheng et al., “synthesis of carbon nanomaterials by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, j. alloy compd. 486, 2009, 265
  9. n. ma, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “effect of nb-doping on the structure, magnetic, and mechanical properties for fe-n films synthesized by facing-targets magnetron sputtering”, j. alloy compd. 477, 2009, 915
  10. j. l. qi, x. wang, w.t. zheng et al., “ar plasma treatment on few layer graphene sheets for enhancing their field emission properties”, j. phys. d 2010, in press
  11. j. l. qi, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “influence of oxygen on the growth of carbon nanotubes”, j. phys. d 41, 2008, 205306
  12. n. ma, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “influence of si-n interlayer on the microstructure and magnetic properties of fe4n films”, appl. surf. sci. 254, 2008, 44786
  13. g.m. yang, w.t. zheng, h.w. tian, x. wang et al., “investigation on nanodiamond and carbon nanotube-diamond nanocomposite synthesized using rf-pecvd”, chem. vap. deposition. 14, 2008, 236
  14. g.m. yang, q. xu, t.h. tian, x. wang, w.t. zheng, “amorphous hollow carbon spheres synthesized using radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition”, j. phys. d 41, 2008, 1
  15. w. xu, x. wang*, w.t. zheng, et al., “growth behavior of amorphous fe-n thin films-applicability of conventional dynamic scaling approach”, chem. j. chinese uni. 28, 2007, 21025
  16. j.w. liu, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “alignment of amorphous carbon nanotubes with graphitized branches grown by radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, carbon 45, 2007, 683
  17. l.l. wang, x. wang, w.t. wang, et al., “structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline fe-n thin films and their thermal stability”, j. alloy compd. 443, 2007, 43
  18. l.l. wang, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “influence of various substrate materials on the structure and magnetic properties of fe-n thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering”, surf. coat. techn. 201, 2006, 786
  19. l.l. wang, x. wang, w.t. zheng, et al., “synthesis of single nanocrystal phase fe4n on nacl substrate by dc magnetron sputtering”, mater. chem. phys. 100, 2006, 304
  20. x. wang, w.t. zheng, l.l. wang, et al., “dynamic scaling phenomena and universality classes in growth of iron nitride thin films deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering” thin solid films 492, 2005, 75