论《野草在歌唱》中叙述者干预的伦理修辞效果on ethical rhetoric effects of narrator intrusion devices in the grass is singing
王 群
世界文学研究 vol.4 no.4, december 8 2016, , , doi: 被引量
中美贸易隐含碳的测算研究——基于投入产出模型a study on the measurement of implied carbon in china-us trade—based on input-output model
社会科学前沿 vol.6 no.6, june 19 2017, , , doi: 被引量
中国对日本贸易隐含碳排放余额的测算china’s measurement of implied carbon emissions from japan’s trade
统计学与应用 vol.6 no.4, october 12 2017, , , doi: 被引量
能源消费、技术进步、经济增长对二氧化碳的动态分析dynamic analysis of carbon dioxide by energy consumption, technological progress and economic growth
社会科学前沿 vol.7 no.7, july 23 2018, , , doi: 被引量
一类传染病模型的稳定性研究local stability of a class of epidemic model
王 群, 冯 伟
理论数学 vol.8 no.4, july 12 2018, , , doi: 被引量
氧化石墨烯热重分析法表征研究study on graphene oxide thermogravimetric method
王 群, 刘 峥
材料科学 vol.11 no.2, february 20 2021, , , doi: 被引量
论张謇的刑事法律思想 on zhang jian’s criminal legal thought
争议解决 vol.10 no.2, february 23 2024, , , doi: 被引量
乡村振兴背景下社会工作介入农产品电商发展路径浅析a brief analysis of the development path of social work intervening in the e-commerce of agricultural products under the background of rural revitalization
电子商务评论 vol.13 no.3, august 14 2024, , , doi: 被引量
“命运共同体”:从叙事时间角度解读《三四五区间的联姻》“community of common destiny”: an analysis on the marriages between zones three, four and five from narrative time
董阿梦, 王 群
世界文学研究 vol.6 no.2, june 21 2018, , , doi: 被引量
氧化石墨烯傅里叶红外光谱测定方法graphene oxide fourier infrared spectroscopy method
王 群, 杨永强
材料科学 vol.10 no.10, october 28 2020, , , doi: 被引量