论原子结构和基本力的关系on the relationship between atomic structure and fundamental forces
天文与天体物理 vol.12 no.4, october 29 2024, , , doi: 被引量
论小尺度上的引力大小和黑洞的关系on the relationship between gravitational strength on small scales and black holes
天文与天体物理 vol.12 no.1, february 19 2024, , , doi: 被引量
引力是如何产生的?——引力线在偏转物体的运动方向how gravity is produced?—lines of gravitation are deflecting the direction of motion of an object
天文与天体物理 vol.10 no.2, april 28 2023, , , doi: 被引量
由修正引力公式导出的星系旋转速度与暗物质无关the rotation speed of galaxies derived from the modified gravity formula is independent of dark matter
天文与天体物理 vol.11 no.4, january 19 2024, , , doi: 被引量
macs j 0025.4-1222和子弹头(1e0657-56)星系团中引力透镜观测结果的另类解释alternative interpretation of gravitational lensing observations in macs j 0025.4-1222 and bullet head (1e0657-56) galaxy clusters
现代物理 vol.14 no.1, january 17 2024, , , doi: 被引量
论奥陌陌异常加速和轨道偏离的原因:太阳斥力on the causes of oumuamua’s abnormal acceleration and orbit deviation: solar repulsion
天文与天体物理 vol.11 no.1, september 20 2023, , , doi: 被引量
透镜星系的非距离红移non-distance redshift of lenticular galaxies
阿莱效应和重力谷形成的原因分析the allais effect and the cause analysis of gravity valley formation
天文与天体物理 vol.11 no.2, november 29 2023, , , doi: 被引量
论核力是引力在微观距离上的表现the nuclear force is the manifestation of gravitation at microscopic distances
现代物理 vol.13 no.5, september 1 2023, , , doi: 被引量
光线弯曲的同频互扰解释——碰撞星系团中不存在“引力透镜”推演出的暗物质explanation of same-frequency mutual interference of light bending—there is no dark matter in colliding galaxy clusters as deduced by “gravitational lensing”
天文与天体物理 vol.12 no.3, july 31 2024, , , doi: 被引量