
lessons from carbon dioxide accumulation of severe electrical injury patients undergoing amputation
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作者: 王惠霞*, 高成杰, 王向阳, 朱苗苗, 王瑞雯:济南军区总医院麻醉科,济南
关键词: ;;;;
摘要: 目的:通过一例电击伤病人行截肢术发生严重二氧化碳蓄积,总结麻醉经验教训,寻求更加合理的麻醉管理方法。方法:患者40岁男性,在臂丛神经阻滞麻醉下行左上肢截肢手术。结果:血氧饱和度降为91%,查动脉血气,po2110 mmhgpco2132 mmhg结论:患者因通气量不够,同时对患者观察不够细心,呼吸管理不够完善,发生了严重的二氧化碳蓄积,导致发生呼吸性酸中毒。
abstract:  objective: through cases of electrical injury patients undergoing amputation of serious accumulation of carbon dioxide, we summarize the experience and lessons for anesthesia, anesthesia management methods more reasonable. methods: a 40-year-old male undergoing left upper limb amputation operation in brachial plexus nerve block anesthesia. results: blood oxygen saturation is reduced to 91%, check the arterial blood gas, po2 110 mmhg, pco2 132 mmhg. conclusion: for the lack of ventilation, and at the same time, the not careful enough observation and the imperfect respiratory management, patients get serious accumulation of carbon dioxide, and respiratory acidosis occurs.
文章引用:王惠霞, 高成杰, 王向阳, 朱苗苗, 王瑞雯. 电击伤病人行截肢术中发生严重二氧化碳蓄积教训总结[j]. 亚洲麻醉科病例研究, 2013, 1(3): 9-11.

