
application of gps in the surveying of transmission line construction
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作者: 龚文斌:江西省送变电建设公司,南昌;龚文凯:国网江西省电力公司经济技术研究院,南昌
关键词: ;;;;;
摘要: gps (global positioning system)全球定位系统是一种精密卫星导航与定位系统,近几年该系统在送电线路设计、施工测量中逐渐推广使用,主要进行线路复测、杆塔定位,由于其采用卫星空间导航,解决了不通视条件下线路测量定位的施工难题,尤其在林木茂密,房屋跨越众多,通视条件差,复测难度大的地段,工效显著。gps技术的应用,较之传统测量方法,避免了测量通道的清理,防止了林木的大量砍伐,节省了大量工作时间,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。本文主要介绍了gps工作原理及其在送电线路施工测量中的实际应用方法。
abstract: global positioning system is a kind of system about precise satellite guide and positioning, this system had gradually popularized in the designing and surveying of transmission lion construction this early years, used gps in surveying and positioning mainly. because of its use of satellite navigation, it solves the construction problem of surveying and positioning under no visibility effectively, especially in some areas with thick forest, crowded buildings, limited eyesight and difficult resurvey. compared with the traditional measurement method, the application of gps could avoid measurement channel cleaning, prevent a large number of felled trees, save a lot of time, and gain remarkable economic and social benefits. this paper mainly introduces the principle of gps and its practical application in the measurement of electric transmission line construction.
文章引用:龚文斌, 龚文凯. gps在送电线路施工测量中的应用[j]. 输配电工程与技术, 2013, 2(4): 87-90.

