血脂变异性与心血管疾病关联的研究进展research progress on the association between lipid variability and cardiovascular diseases
何 杰, 焦 岚, 刘地川
临床医学进展 vol.14 no.11, november 11 2024, , , doi: 被引量
地方高校心理育人实效性提升探析——基于河南省地方高校在校生的调研analysis on the effectiveness improvement of mental health education in local colleges—based on a survey of the local college students in henan province
袁战阳, 唐晓云
社会科学前沿 vol.8 no.9, september 25 2019, , , doi: 被引量
“双创”视域下应用型心理学人才的培养策略cultivation strategies of applied psychology talents from the perspective of “innovation and entrepreneurship”
郭亚宁, 金银川, 张玉婷, 刘旭峰, 王 卉
教育进展 vol.12 no.4, april 13 2022, , , doi: 被引量
obe导向、自主学习与数据融合——土建专业在线开放课程新范式obe orientation, self-directed learning and data integration—a new paradigm for online open courses in civil engineering major
陈仕光, 李 琪, 孙洪伟
教育进展 vol.13 no.8, august 21 2023, , , doi: 被引量