中央环保督察对上市房地产企业价值的影响研究the impact of central environmental supervision on the value of listed real estate enterprises
范立茹, 袁秋苹, 张 宇, 只春梅
社会科学前沿 vol.13 no.6, june 25 2024, , , doi: 被引量
课程思政数字化建设与实践——以《机械制造基础》为例digital construction and practice of course ideology and politics—taking “fundamentals of mechanical manufacturing” as an example
李亚玲, 袁 秋, 戈 莎, 马朝平, 曾 行
职业教育发展 vol.13 no.5, september 23 2024, , , doi: 被引量
成分波动工况下17crnimo6钢的渗碳热动力学分析thermodynamic analysis of carburizing of 17crnimo6 steel under compositional fluctuation conditions
宋绍峰, 李亚玲, 孙汇彬, 马朝平, 袁 秋
材料科学 vol.14 no.11, november 8 2024, , , doi: 被引量
产教融合背景下金相技能大赛的探索与实践exploration and practice of metallographic skills competition under the background of industry-education integration
孙汇彬, 袁 秋, 欧阳庆战, 孙 进, 马朝平, 饶 涛, 戈 莎, 崔志杭
职业教育发展 vol.13 no.5, september 10 2024, , , doi: 被引量
政策工具视角下上海0~3岁托幼服务政策文本分析——基于2018~2022年政策文本analysis of policy texts on childcare services for 0~3 years old in shanghai from the perspective of policy tools—policy text based on 2018~2022
黄倩仪, 朱小乙, 卢肖云
运筹与模糊学 vol.13 no.2, april 25 2023, , , doi: 被引量
pdca循环模型在运载火箭铆接装配事业部精细化管理体系与监控模式的深化应用实践the deepening application practice of pdca cycle model in refined management system and monitoring mode of riveting assembly division of carrier rocket
朱建文, 张小亮, 隗功正, 吴 冬, 王 硕, 戚泽海, 王 洋
国际航空航天科学 vol.11 no.2, june 5 2023, , , doi: 被引量
城市里隐匿的“红丝带”:艾滋病感染者社会融入的影响因素分析与对策研究hidden “red ribbons” in cities: analysis of influencing factors and countermeasures of the social integration of aids patients
应用数学进展 vol.11 no.4, april 24 2022, , , doi: 被引量
民国时期上海新式婚服与洋侨婚服的设计对比研究a comparative study of the designs of new wedding clothes and foreign nationals wedding clothes in shanghai during the republic of china period
设计 vol.9 no.1, february 27 2024, , , doi: 被引量
基于obe理念的社会体育指导与管理专业课程改革与教学实践研究research on curriculum reform and teaching practice of social sports guidance and management major based on obe concept
体育科学进展 vol.12 no.1, february 29 2024, , , doi: 被引量
不同贮藏温度对黑果枸杞和铁皮石斛提取液及其不同比例混合饮料营养成分的影响effects of different storage temperatures on nutritional components of extracts of lycium ruthenicum and dendrobium officinale and their mixed drinks with different proportions
邵芳颖, 李晓仪, 吕翻调, 郑国良, 吕洪飞
植物学研究 vol.10 no.3, may 26 2021, , , doi: 被引量