浅谈高等数学中的神奇常数a brief discussion on magic constants in advanced mathematics
徐 建
理论数学 vol.14 no.1, january 26 2024, , , doi: 被引量
taylor公式在量子力学近似计算的一些应用some applications of taylor’s formula in approximate calculations of quantum mechanics
理论数学 vol.14 no.4, april 30 2024, , , doi: 被引量
浅谈二阶微分方程与kepler三大定律a brief discussion on second-order differential equations and kepler’s three laws
理论数学 vol.14 no.10, october 28 2024, , , doi: 被引量
高速公路路基长期thm耦合模拟性能研究long-term thm coupling simulation performance study of highway subgrade
土木工程 vol.13 no.6, june 30 2024, , , doi: 被引量
层间距对石墨振荡器振荡行为影响的分子动力学模拟molecular dynamics simulation of effect of interlayer spacing on oscillate behavior of graphite oscillator
耿淑芳, 徐建刚
应用物理 vol.3 no.10, december 19 2013, , , doi: 被引量
基于zigbee的无线照明系统设计wireless lighting system terminal based on zigbee
徐建国, 韩琮师
计算机科学与应用 vol.8 no.6, june 29 2018, , , doi: 被引量
基于分布式表示的单步推理single-step inference based on distributed representation
万倩妮, 徐建良
计算机科学与应用 vol.10 no.3, march 27 2020, , , doi: 被引量
1 x证书制度下高职会计实训一体化教学研究research on integrated teaching of accounting practice training in higher vocational colleges under 1 x certificate system
魏晓彬, 徐建群
职业教育 vol.11 no.2, march 30 2022, , , doi: 被引量
课程思政背景下《纳税实务》教学改革探索exploration on the teaching reform of tax practice under the background of curriculum thought and politics
徐建群, 魏晓彬
职业教育 vol.11 no.4, july 6 2022, , , doi: 被引量
vissim在快速公交信号交叉口优化中的应用application of vissim in signalized intersection optimization for bus rapid transit
周沛, 邓培杰, 徐建闽
交通技术 vol.2 no.3, july 11 2013, , , doi: 被引量